Toledo Bend Lake Butterfly Guide

This is a PDF document that may be reprinted and distributed (subject to conditions appearing on the guide) contains listing of 69 species of area butterflies and moths with color pictures for each.

PART 1: Cover, Table of Contents, Color pictures of Butterflies - 28 pages. We recommend printing this part in color to get the benefit of the pictures. CLICK HERE for Part 1 - 2.78 MB

PART 2: Text information on the various butterfly families, sub-families, and species - 30 pages. We recommend printing this section in black-and-white as there are no pictures in this section. CLICK HERE for Part 2 - 432 KB

The PDF files for the Butterfly Guide are set up to print both sides of a page to save paper and printing costs. Print the odd-numbered pages in each section, turn those pages over and then print the even-numbered pages on the reverse side of the odd numbered pages.

This is the latest version - Revised 1/23/2007 - about 3 MB in size

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